In Taxi industry context, meaning you are the hirer, you drive the taxi alone without relief for 365 days a year. I have the luck of doing OMO for a year with permier taxi. Driving a 5 years old Kia Magentis.
Breakdown of driving hours to meet the Taxi availability standard.
- 0600 - 1100 hours. Drive for the morning peak hour human traffic, plus you get to enjoy the 25% peak hour traffic surcharge.
- 1100 - 1600 hours. Break, sleep, eat and shit.
- 1600 - 2359 hours. You drive for the evening peak hour human traffic.
- 1700-2359 - $3 surcharge starting journey from CBD.
- 1800-2359 - 25% surcharge on total fare for peak hours.
In this case, OMO driver will be on the road for 13 hours. Actually one more hour than a standard regular shift driver that split the taxi for 12 hours shift between them. But he has to really work during those 13 hours because he will have to pay for the full taxi rental of $133 per day inclusive of GST.
Typically income of this driver is $3000 -$3500. No time for any luxury in the evening unless during the break time in the afternoon.
Breakdown of driving hours to have time with family
- 0600 - 2000 hours. 14 hours on the road with toilet and meal break in between whenever it is convenience. Sometime lots of Taxi drivers will continue on even they feel the need for toilet break or hunger calls if there are passenger flagging along the way. They afraid once they took the break, people are gone.
- Compare to the driver above, only 5 of the 14 hours attracts 25% surcharge. Thus the income might be lower thus need to go for longer hours to cover the rental or other expenses.
- The timing is more like a regular job with regular Over time, but you got to spend time at home watch the 2100 hours news or dinner with family.
Typically, this one treasure quality of life over earnings. Thus we are talking about $2000-$2500 per month after minus off all rental and other expenses.
Note on Taxi availability standard from LTA.
- 250 km total mileage per day.
- On the road for hired during 0600-1100 and 1700-2359 for the peak period.
Because OMO drivers has the car for their disposal, they can decide when to stop, when to start their shift or run their own errand. Much much more freedom then a 2 x 12 hours shift driver. The only catch is to cover the extra $66 dollar he would otherwise collect from the relief driver.